Privacy Statement


LIC has crafted this Privacy Statement to underscore our unwavering commitment to safeguarding the privacy of our website users. This statement pertains to handling your personal information, also called 'personal data,' by LIC through our primary website ( or any site within the LIC domain that directs you to this page. The scope of information disclosed here is restricted to handling personal data exclusively by LIC websites hosted under the domain. LIC does not assume responsibility for external websites' content or privacy protocols. External links may not always be explicitly identifiable. You may encounter websites for which LIC does not maintain editorial control within the LIC domain. These sites may include those of student organisations, etc. While LIC encourages adherence to this web privacy statement on such sites, users should consult individual site privacy statements or contact the relevant site administrators to understand their operational policies and practices.

General Statement:

LIC fully respects your privacy rights and actively strives to uphold the privacy rights of individuals who share information with us. Any personal information provided to LIC will be treated with the utmost security and confidentiality in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted in May 2018.

Processing of Personal Information:

LIC does not collect personal data about you on this website except for information you voluntarily provide, such as through email correspondence with LIC. Any information you share is not disclosed to third parties except those engaged in LIC's regular business operations. LIC utilises the information solely for the provided purpose and retains it only for as long as necessary.

Except in cases necessary by law, such as when investigating criminal offences by law enforcement agencies or violations of LIC's Information Technology Services Acceptable Use Policy, LIC will not process any personal information about you on this website without your consent. Any such processing will be indicated on the webpage requesting the information. For clarification on the purpose of data usage, users are encouraged to contact our Information Compliance Manager before submitting information. LIC's policies and procedures regarding personal data processing, including rights of rectification and user responsibilities.

Processing of Technical Information:

Cookies may be employed by LIC websites to gather non-personal information on user website usage or preferences. Temporary session cookies may also be utilised on certain sites for specific functionality, with no data retention beyond the session. Occasionally, third parties may share cookie data for website activity analysis without revealing identifiable personal information.

Technical details related to website visits may be logged on LIC servers for accounting and auditing purposes (e.g., computer IP number). LIC's policy prohibits the disclosure of such technical information about individual website visitors to third parties unless compelled by law. This technical information is used solely for statistical and administrative purposes and does not constitute "personal data" under applicable data protection laws.

Access and Rectification:

If you identify any inaccuracies in the personal data you have provided to LIC, please inform us, and we will promptly update our records. Under GDPR, you have the right to correct or erase incorrect or incomplete data held by LIC. To exercise these rights, please get in touch with us using the details provided below.


LIC implements appropriate physical and technical security measures, including staff training, to safeguard the personal data entrusted to us, and we regularly review these measures.


While this Privacy Statement outlines LIC's website privacy policy, it should not be construed as a contractual commitment. LIC reserves the right to review and revise this statement without prior notice, and users are encouraged to periodically review this page for the latest updates.

Further Information and Contact Details:

For more information on your data privacy rights, visit the Data Protection Commissioner's website at For inquiries regarding the processing of personal data on LIC's website, please get in touch with the Information Compliance Manager at the following address:

Compliance Manager

Longford International College

Unit 3, IDA Templemichael Business Park,
Ballinalee Road,
Longford, N39 P296.
