IDA Templemichael Business Park, Ballinalee Road, Longford. N39 P296.
+353 43 334 1980

Noble Jagha


A Passion for Disruptive Innovation 

Noble Jagha is presently working in Intel Corporation, Ireland, and has work experiences in diverse area in Intel. He is Lectures on Digital Innovation Transformation in the Longford International College. He specialises in Business Administration, Innovation and Education. His current research work is on “The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education”. His work experiences spans through the Financial Industry (Banking), Medical devises and the Semiconductor Industries, respectively.

Noble is presently working at completing his Doctorale research in Business Administration at the Uninettuno University, under the supervision of Professor Vincent English. He already holds an MBA from the University of Wales, a Diploma in Digital Innovation Transformation (LIC), Diploma in Industrial Electrical systems and a Diplomana in Quality Engineering (University of Limerick). Noble is completing his certification in Project Management professional (PMP).

Noble has experiences spanning through Education sector, Financial sector (Mainly Banking), Medical devises and Semiconductor industries, respectively.
Noble has worked at the credit union as a Director (Voluntary), and he is a Pastor in the Church (Voluntary).

Research Interests: Sustainable Development Goals; Strategic management; Open & Social Innovation; and Business Administration